Friday, December 12, 2014

Blessings come when you least expect it!

So I'm sitting in a dinner in po dunk Tennessee eating my lunch and the waitress says boy you smell like a camp fire and I told her I was cutting down some trees and burning the brush she asked where and I told her just up the road. She said you don't know the address and I replied no I'm not from here. Then she said what's your tattoo mean I told her it was the life of Jesus. She said you believe that and I said enough to give my life to missions. As I go to pay she says its on the house then reaches in her tip jar and hands me her days tips and says only if more people lived the life they claim all I could say was well thank you and told she was was living a life pleasing to God for giving when she felt lead. I tell you this season of life has brought me more moments like that than I can recall thanks be to God.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Praise be to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

This is the greatest season of my life.  God is really showing me and showing up in all aspects of my life.  I wanna first and formost give a huge thanks to all my finacial and prayer partners, your work has not been in vain. After the Ignite fundraising tour and my efforts since I have been home I am excited to announce that the Lord has blessed beyond my wildest imagination.  My goal was to raise the support for my tuition and housing before I left for school this was $13,000, I have reached that. I have received my acceptance letter from the school, got all my bases covered back home with my property and possessions, and I have booked my plane ticket. I will be moving to Costa Rica January 4th and will be in country till December 15 of 2015. So if anyone wants a reason to vacation I would welcome the company Haha. Although I have reached my funding goal for school the real task still lays ahead of me. I know that God will bring the people that are willing and ready to commit to support the efforts I am making in Honduras. My current and continual need is monthly supports, it is great getting one time donations, but I can not build a budget and have a plan in place for ministry till I have an Idea of what my monthly support is.  Please continue to pray what part you could play in this there is no gift that is to small literally $20 a month HELPS. I wanted t leave you with this, I have been invited to share with a men's group my vision and needs they where awesome, encouraging and very inviting. So much they have taken me in haha, they are an older group of men with some great wisdom it is so awesome to sit with the and learn. Last night God hit me with there words, we were in the text about the Centurion that came to Jesus and asked if Him if he would heal his valued servant, but told Jesus that he was not worthy for Jesus to visit his home, for Him to simply say it be done and it would be done. Because he understood authority being a man that was in a position of authority and when he told one to go he would go, or come and he would come.  So last night I feel that God really just laid it on me that in this process I should not worry with my needs and funding and people to partner with me or even me being effective on the ground there on the mission field, because its not me but the authority that I am being sent with and by. I wonder how much more effective we as a people of Christ would be if we lived and served in His authority and not our own.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Monday, November 10, 2014

My Plea

Well here it goes the fund raising has began!  I'm finding that the hardest thing about being a missionary is defiantly finding a balance of when to work and make money to survive in the moment, and going to try to find the people and resources that are going to allow me to move into a full time position.  I went before the board of directors for the mission and was approved as a full time missionary.  Ignite Missions is an independent mission, this has its advantages and disadvantages. The plus side is that we can serve freely where we choose unlike if you go through a funded organization such as the IMB they tell you where and when you will serve, but they give you a set salary to live in your designated area, the down side to that is typically they are underfunded and live in questionable conditions.  Since the mission does not receive support from those large organizations, it is not able to employ a North American, because they could employ a Honduran for a 1/10 of the annual need I have.  The advantage to me raising my own support is that I get to be more like a partner than an hired employee, which will give me the freedom to carryout the ministry and call that the Lord is calling me to.  I am gaining support I do not want to sound as I am not getting any support, but it is one time donations which I am very great full for it.  That being said it is very hard to plan out anything longterm without getting monthly support.  Honestly that is my plea for people to pray about what they might be called to give on a monthly basis.  I have been mediating on Romans 12:3-8 it talks about the body of Christ and I truly feel called to be a servant, and once again I am asking people that have been blessed to see what part they can play as a supporter of the needs.  I truly feel that the only way that the gospel will move forward and that we become a people becoming disciples that makes disciples is that we start to function as a healthy body ''The Body Of Christ''.  I have been on the road and going from place to place sleeping from couch to couch hotel to hotel, an God is really surrounding me with some awesome partners in ministry and honestly that's what I more of, I don't wanna do this alone I want people to come on this journey with me and allow God to use and bless their willing hearts.  Will it be you?

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sitting States side

     Wow never thought that I would be feeling what I feel.  I'm home, the place that I have called home and known as home and felt homesick for every time I have been away from, until now.  My calling is being affirmed by my desire to be back on the mission field.  I have had some amazing things take place since being back though.  The biggest being I was approved by the board of directors for Ignite Missions, I am officially a partnering missionary.  There has also been some really amazing God things take place other than that.  I was privileged the opportunity to speak at my home church, and share with my family all the amazing things that took place over the summer, and I was able to cast my vision for my future plans.  I brought back 150lbs of green coffee beans to help raise support, and through Gods network I met an amazing couple willing to partner with me to roast, bag and label my coffee.  It has been a great way to share and connect with people I otherwise would have never been able to connect to.  Although I must admit getting the coffee back was quite the adventure.  I received it in 10lb brown paper bags wrapped in plastic wrap, there are other things that come out of central America that look like that haha.  I have been met with an overwhelming amount of people that just have been loving on me, and it is an amazing feeling honestly the one thing I missed was my church family and living life together with them.  My needs at this point are as follows.
1. Raise $12,000.00 for language school, flights to renew visa, and room and board.
2. Begin to build a network of places and people to share my vision.
3. After raising the support for school begin to raise support sustaining me on a yearly basis starting January 2016 with a budget of $35,000-$40,000 a year. Which will include housing, transportation, and basic living needs.
4. Begin to find support for the construction ministry vision I shared in my last post $400 for each project.
There is really no way to make this happen without monthly support and there is no support that is to little $5, $10, $20, $50, $100.
If you would like to meet me or get more info fell free to contact me.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Last post from Honduras

  Well this is it, my last post this year from Honduras.  It truly has been an incredible experience, truly life altering.  I wanted to share my last experience here, and the men that I served with that really brought the vision full circle.  Our last team proved to to be the team I was wanting to lead this whole season.  It was ten men working construction and five working a veterinarian team.  I must say that these men came to work, so we had scheduled four projects for the travailing construction team to do, four day worth of work to finish the Sunday school rooms at our church in Correletos, and the Vet men had four different villages to visit that we had went ahead and arranged for the men to bring their animals to a field clinic.  I lead the traveling construction guys out to our first project, it was literally straight up the side a mountain by way of a goat trail.  We were pouring a floor in a house of 8 people, and by pouring a floor I mean hand mixing about thirteen yards of concrete haha.  These men from Houston Texas were some real solid dudes and definitely not scared to get dirty and finish the job.  At the end of the day I think that we all had fulfilled what it was that God had brought us to the that house to do, and walked away felling a little more like brothers in Christ.  The next day was no different as we made footers for a home Honduran style, where you take a bed of cement lay huge rocks, then fill the large voids with smaller rocks then pour cement between it all.  Then repeat till the process is complete and you have filled the footer solid till it is level with grade.  This all took place in the blazing Honduran sun but I truly fell that it was a blessing, and we joked and laughed and the guys really started to bond with the Hondurans that were there helping us.  We left and the soon to be homeowners were truly grateful for this blessing that these men had been to them in the process of starting to build their home.  Everyday these men and myself were working to the point of exhaustion and unlike myself these men did not come from a background of construction.  Regardless of their background they were truly honoring God with their sweat and blood.  The third day was a concrete slab for another home, it was really cool this house was going to be built with this huge rock as one of the corners of it.  It was about fifteen yards of concrete hand mixed,  but before that we moved all the bags of cement, gravel, sand, and tools about 300 feet down a cow trail.  Then we had to level the ground and tamp the loose soil before pouring the slab.  This was by far the most demanding day and left all of us battered by the sun and lose of water.  The next day was to be the last and it was a roof for a family that had lost everything in a fire.  This project was not going to be an all day thing so I asked the men if they would be willing to help me with a personal project.  There is a man named Ruben that has helped me all year long on projects.  He is building a house, and God laid it on my heart to bless him with the funds that people have so generously blessed me with.  So I asked him what he needed, he said "the framing and roof" so that he could go ahead and move in and stop having to pay rent and put his money toward finishing his home.  So I went and purchased all the materials required, dropped them off and met the men finished the first roof, then went and like I told them the Holy Spirit moved, cause we framed a 18x24 roof system and roofed it in 3 hours.  Now working with my guys in the states not a big deal, but these guys like I said were not construction workers.  They were that day they allowed themselves to be the hands and feet.  That night they decided they came to work and wanted to opt out of the tourist day we take our teams on.  So the last day I found them another floor to pour and they finished in fine fashion.  I was extremely honored to have had the opportunity to lead these men.  God really revealed to me in a big way what it is that He would have me do.  This is it I have a huge vision but I believe in a big God, I truly believe that the way to reach men here is through partnering with them and improving their families living condition.  After I attend language school funding pending I will be able to communicate my heart and passion for the Lord to them as we work together,  in hopes that it will gain trust and respect to open doors to discipleable hearts.  In turn raising up leaders among the men here.  How will this be done?  Well my vision is to raise support to the point of starting at the front of a village with a team or locals and bless every family regardless of status or connection sharing the message of the love that the saints in the States have for them only requiring one thing and that is that the family must participate in the work in some form or fashion so that we do not breed a culture of handouts when the missionaries show up.  Eventually ending up at the end of village with a thriving cell of men after the heart of God wanting to change their lives and the lives of the people under their leadership, thus God will form a church from.  Little different than building a building and inviting people to it.  Here is what it will take I would like to be able to do a project everyday for 4 days a week, that is 100 projects a year at 400$ a project that's 40000$ a year.  This is the vision God has given to me after my Five months here.  Language school is first though it is a must and it is 12000$ If God is laying any of this on your heart I would love to share more in depth with you, and you can give to the link below God bless your hands.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Friday, August 22, 2014

     Wow, finally a MIN to update and catch my breath.  We have been going none stop, fast paced for the last month and a half.  We finished our team season strong with three teams in a row, back to back with no break.  The teams were very logistically demanding.  First we had a team that did youth in the morning and a women's conference in the afternoon.  While the whole time I was heading up a construction project on the elementary school, we erected a pavilion from scratch out of steel C channel and metal roofing, then poured a 33×24 concrete slab underneath. This all took place in just five days haha.  After finishing up this team we took them to the airport and as we said goodbye we rushed downstairs to greet our next team.  This team was different from all the rest that I've worked with this year, because they were from North Carolina specifically Asheville so I did have to explain where it was I lived previous to here and we were able to chat about things we both knew.  Also mid week I was blessed by my good friends and home church through these folks, as I received Christmas in July.  I was such a blessing to receive all the gifts and uplifting and encouraging words from all the folks that have been behind me during this whole journey.  This team was also very different because they hosted a very large youth conference.  Which meant we were working nights and weekends which was completely different from what we have done all summer.  Needless to say the Lord gained the increase from the labor, as the turnout was over 100 teens for four days straight.  Just as the week before we took them and said our goodbyes and then ran downstairs to greet the last of the straight threw teams.  This was Sams home church from Louisiana.  They were also doing a youth conference, but also had a budget to do construction.  I lead the construction project, and they were blessing a man and his family that was suffering from type 2 diabetes.  This man has had both legs cut off below the knee and his kidneys have shut down.  The mans son was having to work in his fathers place to provide for the family but was doing an amazing job.  What really impressed me about the young man was he was not waiting for us to change his life situation of his families he was doing the work, like we were supposed to install windows in the home.  He had it done before we arrived.  We were able to pour the bathroom floor, form a shower pan, pour the bedroom floors and build a handicap accessible bathroom stall for him.  This was a huge blessing because his son was having to carry him to the bathroom outside.  We also plumbed his toilet and shower.  It was an awesome thing to be part of.  As we dropped the team off at the airport we also checked into security and boarded a flight but not to the USA but to Costa Rica.  I had been here 90 days and my visa had expired, also I was able to go and tour the language school I pray God will allow me to attend starting in January.  I need to break down the language barrier in order to be effective.  The school is 12,500$ for the full three semesters which will be almost a full year but this cost covers everything housing, food, and all my school needs.  Please be in prayer about what part God would have you play in this process.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Friday, August 1, 2014

    Well that was fun while it lasted, just finished up a fourteen day straight work week.  We literaly dropped off our Buena Vista team at the airport, and then ran down stairs to greet the next team that arrived on the plane that the other team was leaving on.  This team was also a multitask team, not as big as the previous team but it did have constuction ministry team, which obviously is where I jump right in.  I was not with the team as they traveled to the two diferent schools, but I do know their work for the Lord was not in vain as they seen twenty-six professions of faith.  Very happy to have met them and greatful for their hearts and service to the Lord.  The majority of my week was spent working with some very awesome men,  there was a mix in age there was a group of older guys and also some collage age guys.  I really was greatfull for the wisdom that the older men shared with me, and I was extremly greatful for the strong backs of the young men.  The first day was a bit rough the plan for the week was to get the roof system on the Sunday school rooms on one of the Ignite churches in a village close by, and also get the concrete floor poured in both rooms.  So we get there and first thing there was already oposition, the power was out in the whole village due to a tree taking out the power line and the roof system was all metal trusses that had to be designed, cut and welded.  No power made this impossible, so we started to paint the metal with corrosive resistant paint and fired up the concrete mixer and began to pour the floor. The next day power was restored and we began the work on the metal.  We flew through it as if the Holy Spirit was guiding our every move.  We finished the original project and was able to as a porch to the front of the school rooms. With a day to spare I loaded up the young men and went and roofed a house in a very remote village.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

    OK so I'm sitting in the airport writing about my last week.  I'm sitting in the airport literally just said good bye to our last team, and waiting to say hello to our next.  Your prayers for strength would be very appreciated, because we are in the throws of team season and right now in the middle of a sixteen day work week with no day off haha.  There is no way to prepare for this kind of work or life, and it is totally by the grace of God that we have the strength and energy to carry out our task.  I will be honest I've had my days since being here that I wonder if this is what it is that God has for me, but with that said I had a new breath of life breathed in me.  I finally got to put my skills to work and construct something haha.  The Parker team were an amazing group of people that God has brought together, and they have such a heart for the two villages that they have personally adopted.  They brought such a logistical challenge these villages are only accessible by 4x4 trucks.  On top of that they split up into five different ministries everyday medical, dental, children, vet, and construction.  Obviously you know which one I was a part of.  I can say that in every aspect this team effectively carried out the mission that God laid on their hearts.  I will personally speak to the construction that was done.  Stewart, Chris, and myself changed four families lives forever.  Three of the families we mixed by hand the concrete for their new floors in their house, and the fourth family we removed the broken holey Terra cotta shingles and replaced it with a new metal roof.  All the materials for these projects were provided by the raising of funds through the Parker team.  These people would have never been able to afford to do a project like this on their own.  Also this week God really impressed it on my heart that these peoples lives are really changing because of the faithfulness of these people to the call that God has laid on their hearts.  Also I saw the real need to raise funding to attend language school to learn Spanish.  Cause while I'm working a ten hour day on these houses I could engage these people and ask them were they are or what do they believe.  Also I've never lived in a house with a dirt floor and I want to come back and ask these people in their language how this has changed their lives, and what it has meant to them, and if they understand that it was God that provided this blessing to them through His people.

   All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    This will be a short entry, unfortunately I just did not have time to write my experiences with the LOA (Living out ACTS) team from Fayetteville NC.  I will say this that they are a group of found apologist that have a real heart for the truth of God, and that his truth and word be spread to the ends of the earth.  They are lead by a very solid and passionate teacher Kevin Duffy, in whom I'm assured that these young ones will be forever changed and molded for the work of the Gospel.  They carry out their mission in a very special way, and by the results of their work they are very committed to what it is that God has called them to.  They perform dramas that portray everything from the fall of man, death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  After each drama Kevin has trained these young ones to be able to explain exactly what was being portrayed and where it is that they derive their explanation.  They seen many salivations and are a very committed team that continues to return every year with new faces, and new dramas to share the message.
    I was sad Sunday not to see this team off, I meet many people on this team that I will continue to pray for and pray that God stirs up a mighty work in their hearts.  The reason I was not able to see them off was I experienced my first battle with stomach issues in Honduras.  I have no doubt that it could have been worse, that being said it's been along time since I felt like I was going to die from pain.  I'm not sure the cause of it, although I do feel like the schedule that we had the last week was probably a factor in it.  We literally traveled from the Caribbean coast to the pacific coast in a 36 hour period.  In between we dropped a team of ten and picked up the LOA team of twenty.  Then the rest of the week traveling to a village about two hours away to minister to a high school there.  They even spent their tourist day sharing their hearts, and captured a large audience in the square of the valley of the angles.  All in all I would have to say their efforts were a complete success, very proud to have had a chance to serve along side these young apologists.  Well we are already hosting another team so I'm off to the next adventure stay tuned.

   All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Friday, June 20, 2014

    This week was an amazing adventure, simply the logistics of this team was a daunting task even for Sam who has been on the ground here for 15 years.  We traveled to the island of Roatan which is off the Caribbean coast of Honduras.  This is the third team in a row that we have traveled to do ministry with.  I always thought that I worked a very psychically demanding job back in the states, but I am finding that the life of a missionary might possibly be one of the most demanding jobs in the world.  There are times when you are literally exhausted when you wake up, and you just have to push threw the day and it seems that those are the days that go late into the night.  My day starts as soon as I wake up, I really fell a burden to help with breakfast.  Honestly all the meals as much as I can and serving them and cleaning up after, I am learning so much about being a servant, I witness our cook Clemy live as an example to what a real servant looks like.  She is never with out a smile, she never expects a thank you, and when she gets praise, she is extremely humble about it.  In my life I have always strived to be at the top of anything I do, to be the best at what I am doing.  I am thankful to God  that I have always started at the bottom in all those instances, and worked my way up the ladder.  I truly am at the bottom of the ladder here, and through it God is teaching me humility.  Even to the point of knowing what the Bible says about something but not being able to say it, so I literally have to live it out to be a witness.  Going away for these teams I am finding that I long to be back at the house at the end of the week, I am homesick but it is for the house in Tequcigalpa haha.
    This week I was privileged to meet ten new brothers and sisters in Christ.  They hail from First Baptist Church in Hendersonville Tennessee.  Which was funny cause I am from Hendersonville North Carolina, but from the start I was nervous cause this was our first baptist church and they were all older folks.  Those two combinations in my past have not meshed so well, being with a few tattoos and having a little different method to how I witness to folks it sometimes is hard with a group of more conservative people.  Well needless to say that barrier was crushed as soon as we boarded the bus, and one of the older women spoke up and asked to see my tattoos, then the whole group was around me observing my ink haha.  As we traveled along killing time before there next flight to the island, I found myself dead locked in a conversation with two of the men about a trip to Israel they took.  It was as if these men had known me their entire lives and really cared about sharing their journey that God had taken them on through the years.  The whole group was very interested in my journey and where I had been and how it was that God had brought me to Honduras.  I really fell like when we as a family of Christ focus on the things that make us different it really tears us apart and grieves God, but when those same people focus on what we share in common which is the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are a force that cannot be contained.
    That is exactly what took place this week when this new found family locked arms and served the creator of the universe.  We were privileged enough to once again enter a public school and have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with these kids.  I really feel like this was kinda of a stretch for some of these folks.  Our typical method is to split the classes in half and work with each half for thirty min.  Half the team does rec and teaches that in competition situations you should always be fair and work as team if you expect to come out on the other side victorious.  Also a lesson to learn is that you don't always win, but when you do you should act humble about it.  This is a great time to connect with the kids because you can get around the barrier of language, because everyone understands smiles and laughter, and when we do rec that is all it is, is a very joy filled engagement with these children.  The other half of the group remains in the class.  First we start with worship and fun music and silly games to get the kids to loosen up and see we are human and fun. Wilmer leads this time and just has an amazing gift from God that makes kids just gravitate to him it truly is amazing.  We really encourage the team to jump in and learn and lead some of the dance moves, and usually by the second day everyone is in on the fun and having a great time.  After worship the team begins the ministry aspect that they prepared for the week, and begin to build in 30 minute sessions the story of Jesus and what it means to be a Christ Follower.  At the end of the week the school invited us to a program that they had put together, they sang their national anthem, they dance, and do dramas showing how much pride they have for Honduras, and to present a letter of gratification for our willingness to come and share at their school and to partner with them to fulfill their needs.  After we have one of our staff pastors lead and invitation, then the pastors and translators ask the 67 kids this time that prayed to receive Christ what they fill like they have done, then we pass that information onto the pastor in the village to do follow up with the school and the kids.
     On top of the amazing student ministry these guys pulled off, at night they also hosted a marriage conference for anyone who wanted to attend.  We were staying in the French Harbor, at the baptist church, but like in America all the church's were on the same street.  So unlike in America they all attended the conference are people were hosting.  All in all it was really amazing to see that many people come together to learn how to make their marriages stronger.  I played witness to some very faithful people share what the bible has to say about marriage, and the roles that each sex plays in it.  The very first night over fifty couples stood up and came to the altar to pray aloud for their marriages and families.  It was simply amazing and really set the tone for the rest of the week.  Word even got out about the conference and the team was invited to come and give a one night version, at a church on the other side of the island.  God truly blessed the hands of the workers, and through their faithfulness families and marriages will be changed for ever on the island of Roatan.
     All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Monday, June 9, 2014

     So its week three for me here in Honduras, God has really been working like crazy in my life here.  I am really starting to see that I do not have the ability to do it all on my own.  There have been some very trying times that without the intervention of God and the Holy Spirit, I feel it would have been difficult to to remain faithful and joyful.  That being said when serving and walking in prayer and in the Spirit it always out weighs the trying times, and it seems that the lasting effect of real God given joy will always keep you lifted to a place only the God of love could bring you to.  I do have a prayer request, that is if you have not committed to a form of support, would you pray about it and allow God to reveal what He would have you do.  This life cannot be done with out the support of the saints, and if God wills it this is the life that I would desire to serve Him with.  The link for financial support is!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link follow directions and add my name Coy Houston Davis in the memo line, thank you for your support.
    Last week we traveled to the pacific coast to a village called El Triunfo.  We took a team of men and young men there to play baseball.  Three states were represented in these men Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. They are a ministry based around the game of baseball, they operate under the banner of Full Count Ministry.  These men are serious about there baseball, and range from coaches to high school players, but regardless they are all very serious and very good at what they do. They have been solely involved in Nicaragua the last five years, and this was there first experience in Honduras.  This specific village was very different in one way than all the other villages, and that is the focal point and largest thing in the village was not a soccer stadium, but a baseball stadium.  This village was the Honduran nerve of the countries baseball program, they had eight adult teams and even more youth teams.  That being said these guys were used to going and teaching the technical side and the rules of the game to the guys, but as we arrived after the six hour bus ride, we unpacked the bus got everything set up at base camp then drove straight to the field for them to play there first game.  2o'clock in the heat of the day in one of the hottest places I have ever been in my life, it was easily 90 degrees with 100% humidity.  Although on arrival something that really stood out to me was that the Honduran men were already there warming up and stretching, this was odd to me cause the culture is so lax, and keeping on a set time and schedule is not the common, so needless to say these guys were here to play.  As our men fell behind early I believe they were taken back by the organization and knowledge that the Hondurans played with.  The first day was a tough fought battle, but as the clouds rolled in and the heat broke our guys caught their second wind and rallied for the win.  Not sure how many of them would have admitted it, but by the looks of their wore out bodies it appeared that they had just played one of the hardest games of their life.  Although they came to play the game, it was simply just the door opener for the real purpose that these men were here for.  The real reason they were here was on display at every moment they were here, and it was a few fronts and it was very encouraging to play witness to.
    First thing they did was show up being men of Christ, these guys would wake up praying and as a team spend an hour in a devotion to God.  When they come to the field there first warm up is to circle up and pray as a team.  Now a glimpse as to what was on the other side of the baseball diamond, Sam and I had traveled there couple of weeks before to scout and setup the games to make sure they were still on board with the games.  We arrived as the guys were finishing up a game and best way to describe the environment was a keg party haha, all the guys were walking around with their own little personal pint of super special party drink.  So needless to say I doubt there was not much of a spiritual influence around this field.  That being said everyday after the game the men showed respect and would come into the mound and circle up and be lead in prayer.  As the days progressed the conversations after the games got longer, and the by the end of it the Americans were switching jerseys with the Hondurans.  In the last game Full Count men were the mixed uniform team and the Hondurans were all sporting the navy blue and white of the Full Count team.  It was a pretty awesome site to see.  On the last day the team threw a party for the guys and invited them back to the camp for a church service, I would say almost everyone showed up that had been at the games, and I would have to think that they knew what they were coming to.  As pastor Jhony Miller lead the men through what it meant to model Christ and lead their lives as men, their wives as men, their children as men, and ultimately that the village was to be ran and maintained by them as men.  As he preached I could understand what he was saying for the most part, and I found myself weeping over this group of men.  One man in specific really stood out to me in the back where I was seated.  I realized he was slummed over his chair and breathing hard, I looked at the tile floor in front of this man and realized he was crying.  The Spirit lead me to just set with this man and put my arm around him and pray for his heart.  When the time came this man was one of the first to stand to commit his life to Christ.  I would like to think next year when Full Count returns this village would be turned upside down by the Spirit of Christ brought about by these men of faith.
    Baseball was not the only thing that this team did.  They also split into two groups and went into two separate elementary schools, getting a chance to do baseball clinics with over 16,000 kids ranging from k-5.  The response from these schools was amazing, everyday more of them would come to the games bringing their families saying hey your the gringos that came to our school today.  The guys were great with the kids its really hard not to fall in love with the little ones they are so sweet and Innocent only craving love and attention.  Most of the older guys had kids around the same age so it was like a little relief for them mission their own children.  The schools being so responsive was awesome to see the teachers were all very responsive and at the end of the week they sent us off with a very special display of love.  I believe that the men of Full Count see their potential to change this village for Christ through the young ones in these schools I pray for both sides to continue to strive to maintain a relationship and build a life long friendship and partnership.
     This was a very special and eyeopening thing for me to witness.  Seeing God working through something as common as baseball was pretty awesome.  I really pray that God would continue in the lives of all the men of Full Count Ministries.  I made some new brothers in Christ this past week and was able to love on some guys that needed to be loved on all in all great week, great team, even greater God we serve.  Off to the next one please continue to follow and support the mission of my life.
     All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

    So I have made it on the ground here.  I am amazed by the lack of daily life here, it is as if everyone is just kinda wondering around with no hope.  The structure here is so broken everything from the lack of traffic laws, to literally every intersection is littered with beggars and people trying to sell some sort of item ranging from a window washing to a new roof to a bug zapping tennis racket.  While trying to secure a Sim card and service for my phone I stood witness to the hardest working kid ever, he was shining shoes for 1 limp which is like a nickel and spent like 15 min on this mans shoes.
    I also started getting to see some of the behind the scene things that go on with the mission house and how much it takes to facilitate a team of people for a week.  It started with a meeting with Glenda and Clemmy the two ladies that cook and keep up the mission house.  They constructed a menu and grocery list which took an hour.  Then Sam and I traveled to three different locations to secure all the food and materials needed, and I seen how they impact this city even through that process.  We went to a place that is much like a Sams club, and as soon as we walked in there are these young men that help with finding items and bagging things that just swarmed Sam.  As soon as we filled our first two buggies the young man came right over with two more and took the others to the check out.  They also had boxes ready to go for when we checked out and brought the young lady that usually has to recheck every item over to watch them ring it all up so she then could just sign off on it. They carted it all to the truck and loaded it, but that is when I seen the blessing turn from them helping to Sam blessing them with a tip that is literally not much to us but it was a 1/4 of there daily salary.  After this I was witness to it two more times just in the process of buying the needs for the teams. This is something I see as showing Christ love and building relationships that will more than likely cause the young men and women, ask the question what exactly is it that makes these people different.  I mean that is the purpose of all this is it not to show the world the love of Christ.
    So then it began, team week.  This specific team would not be staying in the mission house so we had to have everything we needed  for them already on the bus then convoy to the airport.  Then await their arrival get them through baggage claim and customs load all their personal luggage on the bus, and feed them before we ever even leave the airport.  Then came the grueling 6 hour bus ride to the village of Yamaranguila, where the team would be staying in a mission camp on the outside of the village.  The team was lead by a Godly man and a very impressive leader.  A few words about Mark Julian, this man is a 60 year old youth leader.  now when you here that your thinking the same thing I did.  How is it that a man this age could keep up with the task of youth leadership?  Well after spending the week with this man, the question was more how has all the kids and young adults he has impacted keep up with him.  Early on I heard him say we are not bringing religion to these teens, we need to bring a relationship to them.  Which is my heartbeat, he really pushed his college age group to interact and minister to these teens.  To show them that we as Americans have real struggles and not all our lives are peaches and cream.  That even though we do not live in poverty we still are in need of an amazing savior.  The whole week I felt very welcomed by this team out of Houston Texas, and their experience working with ignite was welcomed.  Sam left after the first day to fly back to the States for his sons wedding.  I would have not had it any other way it really helped me to be thrown into the mix and make it happen.  Their is so much to the life of a missionary it really makes the scripture 1st Corinthians 9:19-23, becoming all things to all men.  I wore so many hats this last week from helping with breakfast to loading the bus to helping with the games with the teams to keeping schedule to serving lunch to motivating the teens to washing dishes to figuring out why there was no hot water..... You prob get it there is so much that happens, but it is so worth it to look in on the team and see the joy that God is filling them with by serving, being privileged enough to hear the testimonies of the team members to have them pray for me and my journey.  I was also awesome to be surrounded by like minded brothers and sisters of my age, seeing that God is moving in my generation that there are others willing to count it worth while to sell out for Jesus.  I will always remember this group and there hard work.  Their harvest for the lord was 101 teens, and we were blessed to be able to have the village pastor the last day to witness and receive the names of these teens to be able to follow up and begin the discipleship process.  I want to thank Mark and Teresa team leaders Seth and Michelle newly weds and youth pastor Conner, Peter, Jake, Ross TO TALL, Anne, Scottie, Laura, and Jordan.  They are all going to go on to amazing things for the cause of Jesus Christ.
     All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

     Today want to share with you the blessings of God on this journey.  It all started back honestly before Belize or Honduras were even realities or possibilities of serving.  I knew in my heart that this year was going to be the year that I had to get out and just do it. I had been setting idol for so long and was falling back to a state of infancy spiritually speaking.  As I began to read my bible more and more I noticed that when men of God were stepping out and wanted to do the will of God they prayed, so I painted a wall in my apartment with chalkboard paint and I started day one....  This was a very challenging thing for me to do, I had never committed to pray for 40 days, but I felt it was something that had to be done if things were going to change.  I was staying the night at my place the other night with my friends that have rented my apartment, when I woke up the next morning on the couch the first thing my eyes focused on was day 9, it was probably cause it was written larger and in my typical horrible hand writing haha.  It really showed me that God has been moving so much and in turn I really felt that I need to share with you.  It stated "God if this be your will for my life, open the door to this take away all things that hold me back and settle all the things that must take place for this to happen, and I will walk through that door and I will never look back."  One of the biggest things I have been dealing with over the last few years, was trying to settle my house with my ex-wife.  We had been dead locked for almost two years back in November we finally were able to get an appraisal done on the house to see exactly what there was if anything to be fighting over.  Now notice I said November, if you have ever had an appraisal done you know its a fairly quick process to get done.  Well with that being said, we got the results back like six months later. The news was that the house was not worth even what we owed on it, with that news she said I could just have it.  So this meant that I was going to be able to start the refinance process to see if I was going to be able to get it in my name only.  So I went to the back and set down and started the process, first things first we are going to have to order and appraisal Mr. Davis, it will be $300 and its and out of pocket expense.  At this point I have already decided to go and had been trying to pay off and take care of debt so I had ran myself rather thin on the finance side of things, but it had to be done so I payed and mentioned I had only about a month left before I was leaving the States.  He agreed to try to help get it done as fast as possible but most refi take at least a month most longer.  That being said the appraiser called me that day and set up appt. for the following day.  I meet with him and showed him the property and asked him if he could get it back asap it would be awesome.  Well when he left I went and checked on the properties and my renters, I also had not been there in some time so I had large stack of mail thumbing through it I came to letter the sender was familiar to me but I was not expecting any thing from them.  I opened the envelope to find a very encouraging letter and a check for $300.  See the day after I was stressing the out of pocket expense that had not even cleared my account, God was right there providing.
     The next part of this overwhelming process was getting the news about the appraisal back.  The following Monday the back called me with the results.  The guy started it on Thursday and that Friday was Good Friday, and I had the results back Monday.  The first one took five months this one took one day.  Gods timing is not our own if that first one would have came back at any other time the realities of what I am doing would have not been a possibility.  The results of the appraisal were good, and I was going to be able to refinance it in my name no problems.  So I set down and started talking numbers with the guy. Long story short I was going to be able to get the lowest rate possible which dropped my payment, I was going to be able to include closing cost, and I was going to be able to take just a bit more above that and still keep the lowest rate.  It truly was a blessing from God and took my anxiety down about twenty notches.  I get home that night and I am crunching numbers and I discovered that with what money I had in savings and the above and beyond closing cost money, it was almost to the dollar amount of what my car payoff is which is something that I have also been stressing.
     So with all that being said see there is no real reason that I should not have been trusting God to provide.  The settlement of the house and my car were the two things that I was not placing in Gods hands and asking Him to provide the means of a way to settle them. As I sit here on a plane traveling to the place that I feel God has called me to serve, I cant help but see how faithful he has been. May 15 2014 will forever be the day that my life changed. I am from this point forward living on faith and the support of great people that are about the things God has called me to. From here I should be posting every 5-8 days as teams leave, ready for the ride!
      All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

So I felt like I needed to share this.  It seems that God is totally behind this,  because last week I was given an oppurtunity to attend a church plant/discipleship training.  This training totally blew my mind it was much needed to take on this journey.  The concepts that I took away from this training are going to be so useful to me in Honduras.  The concept that we have to kill the virus was the biggest, it is that we must focus on what Jesus taught and that was find people where they are love on them see if peace rest on that person and begin to disciple them.  We must rethink the term church, instead of a building we create and bring people to we should model Christ example and be the church.  This is no new concept it is the church in Acts, and the Generate training is modeling that same concept in way that we as the a body should be multiplying Ex. 12 to 72 to 500 sound familiar it should it was the way Jesus taught the disciples to go out.  At the start of the first session they asked us to remove our wallets and phones then set them at the table leave them then go to the door.  At the door they informed us that we were not there for a training, we had been setup by church and family.  Outside was a bus and we were going to be loaded on it and taken out into Knoxville, we would be paired up and we must go out.  Just like in the Bible we were to seek people of peace for all of our needs food, housing, ect.  Obviously this did not take place but how many of us would have been prepared to just step out on faith and seek the people of peace in a strange place.  Regardless if we were comfortable or better yet if the original 12 were, they did it and the result was multiplucation.  Something to note all returned unharmed and the group grew to 72.  In this process I have not even stepped out on faith like that, and in our culture it seems so crazy to just walk in faith, but in regards to fruit produced and quality of life I dont think you could compare the to at the end of the day.  Please keep posted I am under one month to go and it is becoming very real.
     All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Brief Intro to the Journey I call life!

Today started a seriously radical journey for me. Well I guess first we should go back, like way back.  The setting is a mountain town in western North Carolina, I had a typical 20th century upbrining, in a broken home raised mainly by a single mother.  Church was not something I was exposed to, and if I was it was the remarks about how "those folks are all hypocrites."  My teenage years were spent playing football and partying like it was the last day of my life.  I lived to be the center of the attention and wanted everyone to know my name.  I went to great lengths to make these things happen, finding myself in situations you only read about in books.

After years of partying and selling drugs I found myself a young man faced with a choice.  I wasted my time in high school not making the grade so college was not an option, so it was either continue on the path of destruction, or simply become a responsible functioning member of society, aka a MAN!  After making this decision I met a young woman who later I would call my wife.  Before we married one of her stipulations to being in a relationship with someone was that they had to attend church.  I was not against the idea, honestly I had no idea what it was like to go to church and welcomed the adventure.  I went every Sunday high as a kite and never heard a word that was being spoke, I was simply there for her.

This is how the story went for a solid three years, until one day I was asked to go to Nashville, TN and do some mission work there after a historic flood.  Also, note I went there with an extremely hard heart, and had absolutely no desire to be there.  Upon arriving after an 11 hour drive due to a rock slide, we were welcomed by a very nice lady that had opened her home to us.  I found this strange that a person would risk their safety, not knowing anything about us other than we were from a church and were there to help.  The next morning we woke and traveled to the church we were partnering with to be assigned our task.  I went there with the intention of rebuilding a home, because I am a carpenter by trade, only to find that FEMA had not approved money to any of the flood victims at that time, so basically we were left to pick up trash, pull weeds and mow grass.  This did not help my horrible attitude in any way, shape or form.  I was given a house to help at and two girls to help me do the work, we were at the house for probably thirty minutes to an hour,  and we had already mowed the front and back lawns and pulled ten 20 gallon trash bags full of weeds and trash.  I stood on the curb looking more amazed than the home owner, the girls and I where pumped and ready to do more.  The man that owned the home pulled me aside and thanked me, he also said something i'll never forget... "Son you got a wife?" I said "yes sir."  "How long you been away from her since you got married?" I said, "I guess this weekend would have to be it sir."  "Son could you imagine having to send your wife away for 6 weeks while you lived in the bonus room above your garage eating fast food three meals a day?" I replied, "no sir I could not." He looked at me and said, "I know God has a plan from all this."

That conversation set up what might have been the most spiritually in tune I had ever been in my life.  We said our goodbyes and moved to the next house where the rest of our people were already working on another home.  I noticed the grass had not been mowed in sometime, asking the lady if she had a mower, she just broke down in tears.... my husband is the one that did the yard work, she could barely get it out, he died the week before the flood! At that moment her 4 year old son ran across the yard to hug her leg. I stood there speechless.  I noticed the next door neighbor had a mower, he was a man of Indian decent. I approached him and asked to borrow his mower, I offered to mow his yard if I could use it to mow her yard, he agreed. Nearing the end of my adventure i was pushing the mower between the two houses toward the front the man was walking my way toward the back, we made eye contact and that very instant a message that was given the week before I left hit me dead in the heart.  See, my pastor had preached that as followers of Christ we should look peculiar to the world, in my thinking I have been black-balled my whole life the last thing I want to do is stand out and I was ready to start blending in for a change.  Although in that instant I realized just what he was saying; that day this man did not understand... we all looked peculiar.  After completing the yard he pulled me aside and asked "why are you all here doing this?" My only reply was cause Jesus told us to.

In that moment I realized God was for real and wanted me to serve him. I came home a new man, I quit my job because I did not agree with the way they ran the business, I kicked my weed habit to the curb, and God really started to make himself real to me.  I began to meet with my pastor who really poured a lot into me while discipling me.  I found a new job and was able to provide for my family, and simply by quitting drugs we were able to afford a home.  I started to plug in and get involved, as I grew in my knowledge of God and His word I began to feel something.  I later found that what I feeling was a calling to serve God fully with my life, it was a feeling that I had never experienced in my life.  I began to share with the youth about what God had done in my life, and soon a door was open to serve as the youth pastor at NorthView Church.  I also began to host a small group at our home and it immediately started to grow.  I was approached by a man that served with youth for Christ and he asked me to begin leading one of the groups at a local high school.  I also started seminary at the same time, attending for two years.

That same year we traveled to Honduras to serve a village doing youth ministry, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  At the end of the eight days there I really felt a major pull of my heart that this is what God would have for my wife and I.  We came home and began to really seek God and see if this was a real possibility for us to be able to serve God.  I fasted and prayed none stop, I grew so much in this time.  God allowed us to travel to Nashville, TN and serve the missionaries, doing some updates and repairs on a home they had purchased.  At the end of that weekend I got an opportunity to sit down with Sam and Peggy and ask them if what I was hearing from God was true.  I truly felt that God had called us to serve them, anxiously awaiting their reply. Peggy said "well, Sam why don't you share with them our need."  Sam began to share that he was in need of a leader and someone that was familiar with construction to lead the teams that wanted to do that form of mission work.  He added that they had already considered us and that when we were ready they would be ready for us.  It was the most amazing thing ever, getting confirmation that God had truly spoke to my heart.  What took place next rocked me to my core.  In the process of trying to figure out how to make the transition and sell all of our possessions, I uncovered that my wife had been having a affair for the previous ten months.  I tried to reconcile our marriage, but she did not want to, we sadly divorced a year later.  After this took place I fell into a dark period of my life and found myself doing things that I never thought I would do again.  People did not give up on me and began to speak truth into my life. To the praise of God I was able to bring myself out of those things and get my heart and head back fully on the Lord.  That allowed me to start speaking at my home church.

Over the last year I have had the opportunity to preach every few months, and the last message I preached I stated that there is no excuses not to fulfill God's calling.  From that, a very faithful woman contacted me and asked if I would be willing to serve in the mission field.  Speaking about no excuses my only response naturally was YES!  That is how I have found myself preparing to board a plane and move to Honduras in May.  I am asking that you would commit to support and follow me in this journey.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.