Tuesday, January 20, 2015

God is growing me!

Ok this post will not be in Spanish haha, but God willing in due time.  So far so amazing is an understatement of the century.  This is truly and amazing place to be able to live and study the language and culture.  It is a very good intermediate between life in the States and what it was like in Honduras.  I am starting to grasp some of the whys of the culture, you know the reason they do some of the things they do and we don't get it.  Also I am begging to get some of the this is why Spanish is the way it is, and having someone that can explain to you why makes it a whole lot easier haha.  Also in true fashion of my self I can't help but find needs and begin to meet them.  My first "fin de semana" weekend I found an awesome need and was so blessed to be able to bless.  Their is this lady that owns/runs a kindergarten, but this is a special kindergarten cause she will take what ever the usually single mothers can give her, so they can go work.  The Kindergarten was in serious need of an overhaul, there were broken window the door was missing the lower panel door would not open or close, their were large holes in the ceiling covered by plastic bags.  So we went in and did a number on this place and somewhere around 16 hours later this place was starting to look like a place you might find children.  We are not quite finished, but we are much closer than we were at the begging. Friend of the lady heard what Ronald and I had done, (Ronald is my Tico brother that lives in the house I do he is my age) and asked if we would be willing to sand and repaint some 30 school desk here in San Jose, that she is going to take when finished to a remote indigenous village.  So needless to say I am really busy with all this and school.  Although this is not what I was even going to share haha.  My real reason and heart for this post was to share what God is up to.  He is doing a number on me, we have a Chapel service every Tuesday and Thursday between our morning and midday classes. I must say that it seems every message that has been given has been a shot to my heart a real wake up call to expose where it is that I have not been the Man God has called me to be.  The largest of all is simply trusting that He is in control, not just of my financial situation, or the reason I'm here.  No its more than that it is the fact that He holds my everything in His hand and He has laid an mater piece out for me that I get to join in and serve it for Him.  I'm starting to see the path, like when I'm at the bus stop and a random stranger ask me if this the prada por de ciudad (bus stop for San Jose) then we end up sitting and talking for the entire bus ride and I feel that real push to tell them why I'm here, and that it was not chance that brought us to the same place in time, but it is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and He is waiting to take their hand and lead them to the water that once they drink from they will never thirst again.  Also God is placing people in my life that are being bold and steeping in and speaking truth to me.  Showing me where I fail as a witness, like when I say something out of the way about someone, this is not a characteristic of someone that walks in truth.  I am thankful to be challenged by people bold enough to hold me accountable to overcome this sin that will do nothing but hold me back from being effective and a proper witness.  Pray for this change to happen, and continue to pray for strength, because when the pressure is on and things get hard is when the flaws grow and you and I need the Spirit to guide our words and our actions.  As always thank you for you partnership in what God is doing here and all around the world.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit http://www.ignitemissions.org/#!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Im here on the ground in Costa Rica

As I lay here in my bed, in my little bitty room that is rose pink, in a Costa Ricans house. I start to wander how it is that I got here. If you have followed my journey over the last ten months you will get an Idea of what it is that I'm speaking of.  I want to say one thing before I go any further in this post. This is evidence that God exist hands down all this goes to Him, because there is absolutely no way that I would have ever dreamed of this.  Not even one year has gone by and so many amazing things have taken place.  For starters my homes and my car are completely handled just like that and ten months later still are. I have some awesome people willing to rent and treat my things as if it where there own, heck no lie probably better honestly. Then in two very short months I was able to muster up the support to live on the mission field for six months, sent out by a small church of eighty people most of which go above and beyond the churches support and support me personally.  Then I am blessed enough to meet hundreds of people as teams began to come down this summer, most of which I connected with in a real way which in turn, turned into more supporters.  After returning to the states my dreams came true and I was going to be able to fulfill my calling as I was approved by the board of directors of Ignite Missions.  Thus began the process of fund raising for my next step language school in Costa Rica, and in three short months I was able to raise threw the support of amazing people over my need of $13,000.  Which again I will give all the glory and praise to the one who sits on high, cause if you have met me asking for money or help is not really my gig. I think that was another way God was showing His self in my journey for all to see.  I will tell you the blessings have not stopped I truly feel blessed and at peace here with my tico family.  They are growing me daily really pushing me to speak only Spanish, and its only my third day.  Today was my first day of school.  It was a very challenging day mostly cause I spent 4 hours on the phone with bank of America haha fun times.  I did have an oral placement exam, which I feel real solid about, but the written exam not so much.  I guess all things in due time it is only the first day.  I am eager to learn, but I do not want to miss the joy and blessing in this experience of my life.  I do pray you will join me in it or continue to follow.  Honestly more than ever is the time I must really start raising my funding for my future ministry in Honduras, so as always I will add a link to the bottom of this post, please pray about what part might have you play in this season of my life God bless.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit http://www.ignitemissions.org/#!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.