Tuesday, July 8, 2014

    OK so I'm sitting in the airport writing about my last week.  I'm sitting in the airport literally just said good bye to our last team, and waiting to say hello to our next.  Your prayers for strength would be very appreciated, because we are in the throws of team season and right now in the middle of a sixteen day work week with no day off haha.  There is no way to prepare for this kind of work or life, and it is totally by the grace of God that we have the strength and energy to carry out our task.  I will be honest I've had my days since being here that I wonder if this is what it is that God has for me, but with that said I had a new breath of life breathed in me.  I finally got to put my skills to work and construct something haha.  The Parker team were an amazing group of people that God has brought together, and they have such a heart for the two villages that they have personally adopted.  They brought such a logistical challenge these villages are only accessible by 4x4 trucks.  On top of that they split up into five different ministries everyday medical, dental, children, vet, and construction.  Obviously you know which one I was a part of.  I can say that in every aspect this team effectively carried out the mission that God laid on their hearts.  I will personally speak to the construction that was done.  Stewart, Chris, and myself changed four families lives forever.  Three of the families we mixed by hand the concrete for their new floors in their house, and the fourth family we removed the broken holey Terra cotta shingles and replaced it with a new metal roof.  All the materials for these projects were provided by the raising of funds through the Parker team.  These people would have never been able to afford to do a project like this on their own.  Also this week God really impressed it on my heart that these peoples lives are really changing because of the faithfulness of these people to the call that God has laid on their hearts.  Also I saw the real need to raise funding to attend language school to learn Spanish.  Cause while I'm working a ten hour day on these houses I could engage these people and ask them were they are or what do they believe.  Also I've never lived in a house with a dirt floor and I want to come back and ask these people in their language how this has changed their lives, and what it has meant to them, and if they understand that it was God that provided this blessing to them through His people.

   All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit http://www.ignitemissions.org/#!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.


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