I wanted to share with everyone that I am here in the States now. During my time here I am trying to meet with current supporters and I am trying to find ways to build my network. I wanted to start with that, because I have been home for little under a month and I have already exhausted the contact list that I have. This being said I am asking you to please help me in this, by way of helping me get into meetings with missions administration of your church or family church, and also if you have a small group or a men's group that I could share with. I am really open to any avenues, because God is showing me that support continues to come from the least likely places. I am committed to going back to Honduras at the end of January. At this current moment I am going back on faith, because I am no where close to the monthly need to remain in the country full time. With that being said I am a firm believer that if God brings you to it, He will be faithful to bring you through it. I am currently at $1,000 a month in my support and my needs full time are $3,000 so I am 1/3 funded. I have been on the field for 2 years and have never been "funded 100%" but I have never had to leave the field to this point. The reason being is one time donations have made up the other part, which I am very thankful for and are also very needed. The thing about committed monthly support is that it is what allows me to build a budget and allow me to know with out a doubt that I will be able to meet the needs that I have committed myself to. Living 100% off support takes a level of faith that is uncomparred to any other time in my life, but some very amazing things have happened in the process of this season of living by faith. Mainly the level of love I feel from the people willing to give and to believe in this work that the Lord has brought me to.
I wanted to share these photos as a praise of what God is doing in my life and in my ministry. These tools where bought with separate one time donations given by men wanting to help me equip my teams with the tools needs to do the work. Also yes you see right that is a check for $55,000 this was the very first day I started my fundraising meetings. I have been raising support for 2 years and to this date have received $28,000 and the God we serve is able to far beyond the work of man and provided this in one day. He is in this and behind this work, I want to stay out of His way and just be a tool used to bring Him the glory. I want to thank the anonymous donor of this check you have made it possible for me to buy a vehicle to work out of. Also I wanted to share this link to my new video that is a great way for you to share with people that want more info on what it is that I will be focusing on in Honduras. This film really sums up the mission God has put me on. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7sav526brbzq7h/Coy_Honduras_Short_V1.mp4?dl=0
All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit http://www.ignitemissions.org/#!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.
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