Monday, August 31, 2015

Two thirds of the way done!

     That's right I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here in Costa Rica. It has been a great experience and I have learned so much more that just a language. Although with that being said I am ready for the next stage of my journey. There is not much to tell about this last month, I finished up classes a couple of weeks ago and have been on break between the trimesters. A lot of goodbyes took place that is one thing that has been very real in this process. Never come in thinking about it but it is a difficult position cause you know that you will more than likely never see these people again, but you just can't help but to become friends learn about their journey where they are from and where they are going, invest in their children and become somewhat normal feeling for a change in such a sometimes uncomfortable environment. I have to say playing uncle to some of these kids has really helped me not miss the little ones back home so much. I often wonder what Grayce, Gabby and Seyha think about me, I wonder if they think I have forgot about them, or if they feel I care about the people here more than them? Guess I have to focus on the positive and hope that they glean something from this as they grow and mature and see that there is much need in the world and until people step up and step out it will never get done.
     Well I can proudly say that I have completed another trimester and yes I got all A's again, who would have thought it out of me? Not me! Well I am very happy with where my Spanish has made it still not fluent as in regards to there are no words or topics I can not say or talk about, but I can definitely hold my own in a conversation. Also I have been able to practice translating as we have been making the new student transition. I was able to play big brother one more time to a new student that came in, and it really shows you how far you have came since when you where sitting in that chair in the kitchen and the Tica mom is just going on and on in Spanish and you have no earthly idea what she is saying. It is also a good chance to be an encouragar which I could use some growth in cause it does help to have someone sit across from you and say hey I was there in that very chair crying just like you going oh God what have I got myself into this is going to be horrible. I was also part of the new student orientation, I will be serving as one of the two chaplains this trimester. Which consist of giving a message once a week and really just trying to encourage and remind everyone what it is we are doing here and have them focus on the future. It is a nice break from class to come in and hear the word restore life back into you. This final trimester I am going to be doing something a little bit different for my classes. I am actually volunteering with the maintenance guy Louis Fernando during the day and doing one on one tutoring in the afternoons. One because I'm not sure I can do regular classes again the struggle is real for me and I am going to be headed to Honduras for over a month to work with construction teams that are coming down. So when I return in October it would be very difficult for me to enter back in with my classmates because of how much material they will cover in that month, but I will be speaking Spanish and translating while in Honduras so I will be getting good real world experience and I will have a good idea of what I need to come back and work on. Also working with Louis I feel will be a great opportunity to really grow me speaking nothing but Spanish for hours everyday will be really great and it will be more real world practice and problem solving in areas that I have yet tried to use my Spanish in.
    I know there was not like an action packed this is what is happening in this post, but one thing I wanted to touch on is that my time is coming to an end here, and I am not going to have a lot of time back in the States before I move to Honduras in 2016. I have some very large funding needs coming up and I am very excited to see how God works it all out. If you are reading this maybe you are part of the how. I have really been trying to get men in my corner and come along side me in what God is doing and it is happening I have a few advocates in my corner that actually go above and beyond just supporting me but they share my needs with others and help me raise my support base. Are you one of those people that would reach out and help me grow my monthly support base? God provided for my year in Costa Rica but my first year in Honduras will be a lot more think of it as starting a small business out of the gate there are so many needs. If you feel lead to head up something like this in your area weather it be hosting a dinner for me to share at or reaching out to your church or Sunday school class please send me an email at so that I can share specific needs and get an idea of a date to visit with you and your group. I want to thank all the people who have and are supporting me in this life it is you that keeps me going thank you for your faith in what God has planned.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

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