Friday, December 12, 2014

Blessings come when you least expect it!

So I'm sitting in a dinner in po dunk Tennessee eating my lunch and the waitress says boy you smell like a camp fire and I told her I was cutting down some trees and burning the brush she asked where and I told her just up the road. She said you don't know the address and I replied no I'm not from here. Then she said what's your tattoo mean I told her it was the life of Jesus. She said you believe that and I said enough to give my life to missions. As I go to pay she says its on the house then reaches in her tip jar and hands me her days tips and says only if more people lived the life they claim all I could say was well thank you and told she was was living a life pleasing to God for giving when she felt lead. I tell you this season of life has brought me more moments like that than I can recall thanks be to God.

All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

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