Saturday, May 24, 2014

    So I have made it on the ground here.  I am amazed by the lack of daily life here, it is as if everyone is just kinda wondering around with no hope.  The structure here is so broken everything from the lack of traffic laws, to literally every intersection is littered with beggars and people trying to sell some sort of item ranging from a window washing to a new roof to a bug zapping tennis racket.  While trying to secure a Sim card and service for my phone I stood witness to the hardest working kid ever, he was shining shoes for 1 limp which is like a nickel and spent like 15 min on this mans shoes.
    I also started getting to see some of the behind the scene things that go on with the mission house and how much it takes to facilitate a team of people for a week.  It started with a meeting with Glenda and Clemmy the two ladies that cook and keep up the mission house.  They constructed a menu and grocery list which took an hour.  Then Sam and I traveled to three different locations to secure all the food and materials needed, and I seen how they impact this city even through that process.  We went to a place that is much like a Sams club, and as soon as we walked in there are these young men that help with finding items and bagging things that just swarmed Sam.  As soon as we filled our first two buggies the young man came right over with two more and took the others to the check out.  They also had boxes ready to go for when we checked out and brought the young lady that usually has to recheck every item over to watch them ring it all up so she then could just sign off on it. They carted it all to the truck and loaded it, but that is when I seen the blessing turn from them helping to Sam blessing them with a tip that is literally not much to us but it was a 1/4 of there daily salary.  After this I was witness to it two more times just in the process of buying the needs for the teams. This is something I see as showing Christ love and building relationships that will more than likely cause the young men and women, ask the question what exactly is it that makes these people different.  I mean that is the purpose of all this is it not to show the world the love of Christ.
    So then it began, team week.  This specific team would not be staying in the mission house so we had to have everything we needed  for them already on the bus then convoy to the airport.  Then await their arrival get them through baggage claim and customs load all their personal luggage on the bus, and feed them before we ever even leave the airport.  Then came the grueling 6 hour bus ride to the village of Yamaranguila, where the team would be staying in a mission camp on the outside of the village.  The team was lead by a Godly man and a very impressive leader.  A few words about Mark Julian, this man is a 60 year old youth leader.  now when you here that your thinking the same thing I did.  How is it that a man this age could keep up with the task of youth leadership?  Well after spending the week with this man, the question was more how has all the kids and young adults he has impacted keep up with him.  Early on I heard him say we are not bringing religion to these teens, we need to bring a relationship to them.  Which is my heartbeat, he really pushed his college age group to interact and minister to these teens.  To show them that we as Americans have real struggles and not all our lives are peaches and cream.  That even though we do not live in poverty we still are in need of an amazing savior.  The whole week I felt very welcomed by this team out of Houston Texas, and their experience working with ignite was welcomed.  Sam left after the first day to fly back to the States for his sons wedding.  I would have not had it any other way it really helped me to be thrown into the mix and make it happen.  Their is so much to the life of a missionary it really makes the scripture 1st Corinthians 9:19-23, becoming all things to all men.  I wore so many hats this last week from helping with breakfast to loading the bus to helping with the games with the teams to keeping schedule to serving lunch to motivating the teens to washing dishes to figuring out why there was no hot water..... You prob get it there is so much that happens, but it is so worth it to look in on the team and see the joy that God is filling them with by serving, being privileged enough to hear the testimonies of the team members to have them pray for me and my journey.  I was also awesome to be surrounded by like minded brothers and sisters of my age, seeing that God is moving in my generation that there are others willing to count it worth while to sell out for Jesus.  I will always remember this group and there hard work.  Their harvest for the lord was 101 teens, and we were blessed to be able to have the village pastor the last day to witness and receive the names of these teens to be able to follow up and begin the discipleship process.  I want to thank Mark and Teresa team leaders Seth and Michelle newly weds and youth pastor Conner, Peter, Jake, Ross TO TALL, Anne, Scottie, Laura, and Jordan.  They are all going to go on to amazing things for the cause of Jesus Christ.
     All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.

1 comment:

  1. Coy-That is great & really incredible-Coty & Charity
