I want to start by saying sorry, sorry it has been so long since I've posted and update. The truth is I've been on the move haha. God has really blown the doors wide open on some awesome opportunities for me as of late. One of the greatest is that almost every Saturday since I've been here I go to dinner with my Tico brother Ronald, during our time together we have a patterned conversation. Typically it starts off with the usual how has each others week been, what I'm learning in school, what is going on with his girlfriend and such and likewise with me and my relationship. All these are fun and great things to have in a foriegn environment, but what I enjoy most about our time together is his growing curiosity about God and the reason I would give my life to come and serve a bunch of people that I do not even know, and I want to share that it has and is going great we have made some amazing progress. This really brings me to a question that I often ponder, and you as my support base could help me with the answer. What if I only won over one person to Christ, and this was the news that I shared or brought back to y'all would this be something that you would continue to pray for and support? Is not one worth more than the 99 did not the heavens rejoice when the one sinner turned from his past to the loving embrace of a saviour. Oh how I pray for the age of numbers and statistics be broken from the idea of how well someone is serving God. Not that I do not desire to assist in the process of bringing many to know the love of God, but lets be honest I'll only be able to do what the Lord has willed for my ministry to do. I am also fearful to stray from where He leads because that is when you find we begin to do this on our own power and nothing has ever resulted from the work of man alone. Just a thought that I have often as I make the transition of life into full-time missions.
This last month I have been able to see some very amazing sites in and around Costa Rica. These photos are from a hike here called the three crosses, very tough hike but like all tough hikes the reward is always at the top, and on this one there was three treats along the way.

I am so thankful to be in a place of such beauty and have the ability to go and see the country that I am currently living in. I was also able to go with new found friend to Nicaragua for his visa renewal trip. He has a car and needed to get a new visa to continue to be able to drive, with his wife 8 months pregnant and having two other small children he was going to go it alone. I was game for going seeing how the three day trip would be very cheap and would give me a chance to see another country. It was quite and interesting trip, my new found amigo was a hippie well still is now just a hippie with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding him. Which was probably the reason he booked us a hostel that was only
eleven dollars a night haha it was quite the eye opening experience. Although it really played well into both of our comfort levels with the people that most would never think to speak to or share Christ with. I also got a chance to
learn how to surf something I was wanting to do since getting here. Muah was the guy in Nicaragua that was my instructor and by the end of the day I had caught a number of waves and it was really and awesome experience, we were able to hang out with a small group of locals on the beach and share with the reason we where there. The border crossing on foot is one of the strangest things that I have ever done in my life. You start by paying and exit fee to the country your leaving then you proceed to about five different little tents set up that keep handing you a randon piece of notebook paper that seems to have no significance to it what so ever till they start asking you for 1$ then you pay another window 4$ then the last is the 11$ entrance fee to the country ten more people look at you passport and then finally you get an entrance stamp walk past this huge gate and that is it your in like flynn. This is a pic of San Juan del sur were we visited this is an image from the Christ statue. During what is know as holy week here in Latin America which is the week leading up to good Friday and resurrection Sunday we were out of School, because all of the Latin America shuts down. So I took the week to go to Honduras and see my lovely girlfriend which I last saw the day I got on the plane to fly to Costa Rica. While I was there I was able to throw a hand on the property that my mission bought last year, and now is begging the building process on.

Here are just a few pics of me Freddy and David getting the chain link fence put up that leads up to

the new entrance and gate that they built last month. It was so exciting to be there and to work with my brothers. They had so many uplifting and encouraging things to say to me about my progression. It really was a great way to see how far I have come in my time here at school. The time that I got to spend with Morgan was great and very much needed, some of you that have been a long distance relationship can relate to the struggles of it, but it does seem to have an ability to grow us closer to the One that has called us. This whole year has been such a leap of faith for both of us and I know someday our labor will not be in vain. She has made it to the mission field and has hit the ground running with her ministry, I know the Lord is going to do mighty things in and thru her so proud to have the privilege to call her mine. Upon returning from Honduras I only have three weeks of class left in this trimester, and as my flight went over lake Nicaragua I could not help to think that my life will never be "normal again". Its not a bad thing but there are times that it gets hard not seeing friends and family, then on the other side of the coin friends that I have made here will begin to leave in three weeks, them four months from now. With that being said I would not change it for the world, because I know that this is the path that the Lord has me on and in that He will never leave me nor will He forsake me. As always thank you for you love, prayers and financial support of my efforts I think about the people that allow me to be here on a daily basis.
All support is appreciated as this life's work cannot be done with out God and his support through His people. Prayer support and financial support are always in need. If you are able to support financially please visit http://www.ignitemissions.org/#!contact/c175r this will take you directly to the support link. Simply follow the provided directions and add Coy Houston Davis in the memo line. Thank you for your support emotionally, spiritually, prayerfully, and financially.