Well I have been on the ground here in San Jose Costa Rica for almost two whole months, a life time if your trying to learn Spanish haha. It is to the point where writing this blog is hard to do in English my brain is starting to split the two, although I have moment when I can not even remember words in English. So I guess what I'm trying to say is if your reading this and it makes no sense well I told you so. Things are going really well, I was able to provide protection for a couple of women in a dangerous area, where drugs and prostitution run rampet. literately to the point of while we where eating dinner one of the women I was with was sitting next to a man that engaged her in conversation, I was two seats down from her, but could still hear what was being said. At first it was small talk where you from in the states and such, them these two women walked right up to the man and start talking to him. I could not make out all they where saying, but the mans Spanish was worse then mine so they had to repeat and and he was using Spanglish. Then around that time a car pulled up and a bulldog looking fellow stepped out, the girls quickly finished up exchanged numbers and went and got in the car of their pimp. The lady I was with had a look of disgust on her face and we encouraged her to stand in. They went back to conversing and he quickly made it known that he was into that life style showing her a picture on his phone of an naked women, saying this photo summed up his life. The other lady and myself where praying she would ask the question......then she did so proud of her. Do you have a daughter? Rolled right off her lips, he replied I do, she said what if a man was paying her for sex how would you feel? He replied I try not to think of it when I'm with the girls, I would rather think I am helping them by paying there bills. At that moment I'm glad this dude was not talking to me not sure I could have contained my self from beating the brakes off of him in the name of Jesus, but God had exactly who He wanted in the seat she replied if you cared so much you would help with out anything in return BOOM. I was quite the experience its amazing what darkness will do to us as humans the things we are capable of. I just wanted to share that experience another thing that has happened I mentioned in my last post about desk and chairs to a remote village Chiripo. Well I was able to ride along and deliver the desk to the end of the road, It was such a long journey and the stuff has not even made it to the people. It was all of 16 hour day total, and we still have the task of getting it to the people in the remote village. Which is a 10 hour hike into the mountains one way, with something on your back this is literally like a national geographic stuff. I am very excited for the opportunity. These will give you an idea of the beauty and remoteness of this place, and you can see how dark this man is not typical of Costa Ricans. He is half Costa Rican half Chiripo. He will act as one of our guides and translator, the people do not speak Spanish.

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